
Steven Rosenfeld, a national political reporter who has covered democracy issues since the 1990s, created Voting Booth in 2018 to probe what is needed for transparent and accurate elections. Our reporting involves voting, voting rights and technology, which affects who votes, and how votes are cast, counted and verified.

Voting Booth chose this focus as online disinformation was rising and many states were buying new voting systems for the first time in many years. Its early reporting focused on how the new technology could make elections more transparent—and opposition to that use. Our coverage of the Democratic National Committee’s plans to use online voting tools in 2020’s presidential caucuses proved prescient, after breakdowns marred key early contests.

Our 2020 coverage began by assessing the new voting systems debuting in the presidential primaries. After the pandemic broke in March, Voting Booth’s coverage turned to the response, which has been led by a shift to mailed-out ballots. Our priority has been pinpointing key or overlooked problems and the solutions for 2020’s presidential and nationwide elections.

Voting Booth is a project of Independent Media Institute, a non-profit based in New York City. It is supported by foundation grants and private donations.

Articles by Author

Obama with elbows on table clasping his hands together looking pensive
12 December 2016

Parallel narratives of deepening intrigue and outright denial unfolded Friday, as new revelations surfaced about Russian hacking to steer the presidential...

06 October 2008
An electronic voting machine test in Santa Fe County, New Mexico, on Friday revealed a programming error that, had it not been caught and corrected before the...
19 December 2007
It is a very odd spectacle. Ohio's Democratic secretary of state, Jennifer Brunner, who was elected on a pledge to clean up voting problems in her presidential...
16 September 2007
The Department of Justice's Voting Section is pressuring 10 states to purge voter rolls before the 2008 election based on statistics that former Voting Section...
30 July 2007
In 56 of Ohio's 88 counties, ballots and election records that would reveal whether the 2004 election was stolen have been "accidentally" destroyed....
06 June 2007
This week, the House is expected to pass the first-ever bill regulating electronic voting. But will the legislation unleash new election treachery in American...
