
Existence is Resistance: The Palestine Museum of Natural History with Dr.
Mazin Qumsiyeh

Palestinian Ecoactivism with Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh


Jewish voice for peace ACTION: Five nonviolent activists were forbidden
from boarding a plane from Washington to Israel - and neither the airline
(Lufthansa) or the Israeli government will explain why or show us
documentation. We are activists for equality, justice, and dignity for all
people of Israel/Palestine. Join us in asking Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer
to explain why we can’t go there.

and also tell Hillel

'If Americans Knew" staff have created an easy, automated, targeted way for
people to write, tweet, and post facebook messages to each of their
Congressional reps objecting to the AIPAC proposed law to ban free speech!
Please do this & share it with others! Here:

Event at PMNH: For the sake of humanity and peace. For spiritual unity and
the unity of people of all religions, let us get together and raise with
one voice, the banner of justice, love and brotherhood. Join us on Sunday,
August the 6th (Anniversary in honor of victims of the nuclear bomb dropped
on Hiroshima) at 1:30 PM, at the Palestine Museum of Natural History/
Bethlehem University (location: We will
be joined by colleagues from Japan and many countries. Your participation
supports justice, humanity, peace, and love.