Frame 371 showing Jacqueline Kennedy reaching for pieces of Kennedy's skull across the back of the presidential limousine as Secret Service agent Clint Hill climbs aboard.[3]

Creative commons image via Wikipedia:

Having researched political assassinations for 35 years, these are the unanswered questions regarding the assassination attempt on former President Trump. The American public is deeply suspicious, being aware that the government is still withholding documents after 60 years in the JFK assassination, and every other political assassination that has occurred, since Kennedy was murdered by the National Security State in November 1963. It continues to resist reasonable inquiries regarding 9/11, the effectiveness of the Covid 19 vaccinations and other significant events. Those asking questions on social media are asking if the negligence of the Secret Service were intentional, a deep state effort to rid the world of Trump. Others wonder if the event was a setup, just two days before the Republican National Convention, and presenting Trump with an enormous photo opportunity of which he took full advantage. Everyone on both sides knows that we can expect a lack of transparency from our leaders.

The questions below are intended to be prioritized from the obvious information that we should learn soon, to the more obscure questions being explored on Twitter/X and, to a lesser extent, on the tightly controlled sites such as Facebook, and thus less likely to be answered.

  1. How did Thomas Crooks access the roof? Did he bring his own ladder? If there is no ladder, then how?  Update:  He did climb a ladder, a local policeman climbed to confront him. Crooks pointed his gun at the policeman, who retreated down the ladder.  Crooks then shot 4 to 5 times at Trump.  How much time passed is unknown.  (update:  Crooks did climb a ladder to get to the roof)

  2. What communication occurred within Secret Service in the 30 seconds before? Did the sharpshooters really need to ask permission to shoot a suspected gunman 150 yards away? If the agents surrounding Trump on stage were notified, why was he not rushed off stage and out of danger before the first shot? The sharpshooters obviously communicated something, as they claim to have asked permission. And if they asked permission, who was the immediate supervisor who denied that request?

  3. How many shots were fired and where did they go? I believe the media has coalesced around 4 to 5 shots, then a pause, then more than 4 shots, up to 7. We need to see the evidence, but it is possible that the shooter got off 4-5 shots before he was killed, one just missing Trump, one killing the rally attendee and two injuring other attendees. Assuming this can be verified, then...  

  4. The final volley of 4 to 7 shots is claimed to be return fire. From whom? The story is the sharpshooter struck the assassin one time in the head, killing him. If they shot 3 or more times in and around the kill shot, did those shots miss completely? Unlikely, but there has been no claims that additional shots struck the body. Were other secret service members shooting towards the roof? If so, who and from where?  Update: July 16: This NYT article analyzis the shots.  This author believes it to be incorrect, as they claim Thomas Crooks fired 8 shots.  They acknowledge 4 to 5 shots, then a delay, then several more shots, possibly 7.  This would mean that the snipers watched Crook fire 8 shots, with a delay after the first volley.  This seems highly unlikely.  Additionally, if approximately 12 shots total, and shooter fired 8, and we assume the snipers fired once (maybe twice, two snipers) there are still a few shots unaccounted for.  Did anyone other secret service fire a gun towards the roof of the building?

  5. Why was Trump allowed to stand and expose himself a second time to a shooter, before anyone could be sure he was out of danger? Rather than being protected, Trump was exposed to a potential second shooter.

  6. Is there medical evidence disproving that this could be a staged event from a reality TV star? There is no apparent damage to his right ear but there is lots of blood. Hollywood blood? If a bullet struck his ear, there would be metal particles embedded. Were X-Rays taken? Did the Trump team insist on leaving before any medical examination of his ear? If he was examined, were the doctors interviewed, was a report made? Or were they forced to sign non-disclosures?

  7. What exactly is the evidence that the shooter used a slow moving bullet, which may have saved Trump by split second turn of his head. The gunshots did sound muffled. Is there evidence that the shooter choose this ammunition in order to draw less attention to himself? Did he really not think it was a suicide mission?

  8. What psychotropic drugs was the shooter taking, or more importantly, trying to get off of. It is a pet peeve of mine that every mass shooter in America gets a pass on this question based on medical confidentiality. The drug companies that make SSRI antidepressants (Prozac, Zoloft, Citalapram, et al) and ADHD medications (Ritalin, Adderall, etc) do not want to public to be able to scrutinize these events in association with the drugs they are selling as safe and effective. Patient confidentiality should be null and void after the commitment of any gun violence.

  9. One rendition of the scene shows two casualties (dead or injured), one to the left of Trump, the other to his right. The one to his right (the viewers left) would have been struck in the back of the head. (I am assuming but do not know that this was the deceased). If this is true, the trajectory of the shoots varied wildly, which could be explained by return fire, or maybe Crooks panicked after his first shot missed.  Copyright prevents me from publishing this image.

  10. A staged event? For this to be true, the Secret Service sharpshooters would need to be complicit which is unlikely, but their backgrounds should be reviewed. Additionally, the shooter would not have been talked into doing this, rather he would have had to be programmed, much like Sirhan Sirhan, Mark David Chapman, and potentially others (John Hinkley? The Manson women?). Thomas Crooks background should be looked at it for ties to CIA MKUltra like programs. Already he has tenuous ties to Blackrock via a commercial created at Bethel Park High School in Bethel Pa. Blackrock is described this way: 'CEO Larry Fink built a shadow government of former agency officials in a bid to become Hillary Clinton’s Treasury secretary. That didn’t stop Fink from becoming part of the main private-sector advisory organization to Donald Trump until that panel disbanded after Charlottesville.”

Do you have other questions about this event? Please submit to

This article may be updated as additional information becomes available.


Update: July 16: This NYT article analyzis the shots.  This author believes it to be incorrect, as they claim Thomas Crooks fired 8 shots.  They acknowledge 4 to 5 shots, then a delay, then several more shots, possibly 7.  This would mean that the snipers watched Crook fire 8 shots, with a delay after the first volley.  This seems highly unlikely.  Additionally, if approximately 12 shots total, and shooter fired 8, and we assume the snipers fired once (maybe twice, two snipers) there are still a few shots unaccounted for.  Did anyone other secret service fire a gun towards the roof of the building?