Senate bill 1046, if passed by the full Senate, will go a long way to
reverse most of the FCC's recent egregious media deregulation rulings.
Again, if left to stand, these recent FCC rulings will lead to further
consolidation on the part of big media, negatively impacting the
independent media community. Thanks to the efforts of AIVF members and
concerned citizens nationwide, this bill passed through the Senate Commerce
Committee and now requires additional cosponsors to push the bill onto the
Senate schedule for a vote.
We are hoping that Senator Mike DeWine and Senator George Voinovich will sign on the co-sponsor this bill.
Senate bill 1046 was introduced in May by Senator Ted Stevens (R - AK) and is currently co-sponsored by a bipartisan group of thirty-six Senators. The bill amends the Communications Act of 1934 making it explicitly illegal by federal law for broadcasters to own more than 35 percent of the national market. It also prohibits broadcast/print cross ownership in most markets; requires that radio owners divest properties in over-concentrated markets; and mandates that the FCC hold at least five public hearings during the next media ownership rules review.
S 1046 is titled, "A bill to amend the Communications Act of 1934 to preserve localism, to foster and promote the diversity of television programming, to foster and promote competition, and to prevent excessive concentration of ownership of the nation's television broadcast stations." If you support these objectives, please consider asking Senator DeWine and Senator Voinovich to co-sponsor Senate bill 1046.
The Honorable Mike DeWine
United States Senate
140 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-3503
DC Phone: 202-224-2315
DC Fax: 202-224-6519
Email Address:
For information on district offices in Marietta, Toledo, Columbus, Cincinnati, Cleveland, and Xenia visit the Senator's home page at
The Honorable George Voinovich
United States Senate
317 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-3504
DC Phone: 202-224-3353
DC Fax: 202-228-1382
Email Address:
For information on district offices in Toledo, Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati visit the Senator's home page at
Physical paper communications to Senator Voinovich and Senator DeWine will make more of an impact than calls or emails, so please send a letter or fax if you are able.
To read the bill:
For more information on media ownership issues, visit the MediaReform.Net ownership issues area at:
For more information about AIVF media advocacy visit:
AIVF informs and advocates on behalf of issues of critical importance to the independent field.
We are hoping that Senator Mike DeWine and Senator George Voinovich will sign on the co-sponsor this bill.
Senate bill 1046 was introduced in May by Senator Ted Stevens (R - AK) and is currently co-sponsored by a bipartisan group of thirty-six Senators. The bill amends the Communications Act of 1934 making it explicitly illegal by federal law for broadcasters to own more than 35 percent of the national market. It also prohibits broadcast/print cross ownership in most markets; requires that radio owners divest properties in over-concentrated markets; and mandates that the FCC hold at least five public hearings during the next media ownership rules review.
S 1046 is titled, "A bill to amend the Communications Act of 1934 to preserve localism, to foster and promote the diversity of television programming, to foster and promote competition, and to prevent excessive concentration of ownership of the nation's television broadcast stations." If you support these objectives, please consider asking Senator DeWine and Senator Voinovich to co-sponsor Senate bill 1046.
The Honorable Mike DeWine
United States Senate
140 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-3503
DC Phone: 202-224-2315
DC Fax: 202-224-6519
Email Address:
For information on district offices in Marietta, Toledo, Columbus, Cincinnati, Cleveland, and Xenia visit the Senator's home page at
The Honorable George Voinovich
United States Senate
317 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-3504
DC Phone: 202-224-3353
DC Fax: 202-228-1382
Email Address:
For information on district offices in Toledo, Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati visit the Senator's home page at
Physical paper communications to Senator Voinovich and Senator DeWine will make more of an impact than calls or emails, so please send a letter or fax if you are able.
To read the bill:
For more information on media ownership issues, visit the MediaReform.Net ownership issues area at:
For more information about AIVF media advocacy visit:
AIVF informs and advocates on behalf of issues of critical importance to the independent field.