Local attorney and fellow-peace activist Mike Smalz was awarded the Golden Heart Award this weekend in Washington D.C. at the national conference of the Association for Enforcement of Child Support. Mike is receiving this award for his work with the Ohio State Legal Services Association that successfully sued for the state to remit millions of dollars of child support to low-income parents who were no longer on public assistance. Mike will also be making a presentation on Child Support Distribution Issues. Mike is member of Democratic Socialists of Central Ohio and very active in the anti-war movement. So that you can congratulate Mike personally, you can usually find him at the Women in Black demonstration at 5:30 on Fridays at 15th and High, the Peace Demonstration at North Broadway and High St. at noon on Saturdays, and the Anti-War NION demonstration on Sunday nights at 5:00 PM at 15th and High. CONGRATULATIONS MIKE!!