Hotel Evictions - Turn Up the HEAT!
Just as we feared, most of those evicted on the 13th did not have alternative housing. Some were arrested for trespassing as they sought shelter in abandoned buildings, and many dispersed throughout the country, refugees once again. This cannot be allowed to happen again. March 1st will be another battle for thousands of NOLA families facing homelessness. It will only be organization and action that can avert this crisis – the courts have already failed the people. Federal Judge Duval refused to intervene, saying, "I'm not sure if I'm serving justice but at least I know I'm following the law." When the courts are not just, justice is up to the people!
On the 13th, private security firms, mercenaries, with shotguns stood ready to evict families with nowhere else to go. It was public pressure through the calls and emails sent in, the threat of an injunction, and our presence at the hotels that kept families housed until March 1st. We need everyone to continue calling and writing everyday before the March 1st evictions!
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Just as we feared, most of those evicted on the 13th did not have alternative housing. Some were arrested for trespassing as they sought shelter in abandoned buildings, and many dispersed throughout the country, refugees once again. This cannot be allowed to happen again. March 1st will be another battle for thousands of NOLA families facing homelessness. It will only be organization and action that can avert this crisis – the courts have already failed the people. Federal Judge Duval refused to intervene, saying, "I'm not sure if I'm serving justice but at least I know I'm following the law." When the courts are not just, justice is up to the people!
On the 13th, private security firms, mercenaries, with shotguns stood ready to evict families with nowhere else to go. It was public pressure through the calls and emails sent in, the threat of an injunction, and our presence at the hotels that kept families housed until March 1st. We need everyone to continue calling and writing everyday before the March 1st evictions!
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