Make no mistake: Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions’ assault on immigrant families and their “tactic” of separating parents from their children are right out of the Nazi playbook.

It’s no accident US immigrations officials are telling parents they’re taking kids to “bathe,” then making them disappear … and then telling their parents they will never see them again.

This ghoulish reminder of Auschwitz shames us all. It should also terrify us. And make us ACT!

However removed we may think we are, WE are next, and so are our children.

This regime loves torture and dictatorship, and aspires to both.

Thugs like these have nothing of value to offer, so they rule with hate, fear, and scapegoating.

Many of these families are coming to our borders legally seeking asylum. Some families under assault are not even immigrants, they are merely of Hispanic origin or appearance.

There’s no immigrant “crisis” in the United States any more than there was a “Jewish Question” in Hitler’s Germany.

Hitler needed an object of hate to become absolute ruler. Jews comprised 1% of the German population. They were handy. 

Hitler spared a Jewish family doctor and a Nobel prize-winning cancer researcher (Otto Warburg) just as Trump might spare Jared Kushner and Michael Cohen.

But however much hate and terror this regime needs to generate, Trump will do it.

Like Adolph, Donald can’t rule without making America hate again. Immigrants and Muslims are where he started. Hispanics, blacks, Iranians, Asians, “globalists,” not to mention gays, Jehovah’s Witnesses, people with disabilities … it’s all the same.

Their – OUR – time will come.

The regime’s real need is to hide its complete inability to govern. And to divide and distract the population.

Blaming these families for “breaking the law” is like blaming Poland’s cavalry for provoking Hitler’s invasion. Blaming the Democrats while banning them from inspecting the camps is like charging the Red Cross with running the gas chambers.

Our prison system is a corporate profit center. With more than two million prisoners, it’s the largest in history after Hitler’s concentration/death camps and Stalin’s gulag.

It’s been filled largely by the Drug War.

But more than half our states have now legalized cannabis for medical and/or recreational use. America’s for-profit prisons – like Trump hotels – could lose “customers.”

Since Nixon launched the Drug War in 1971, more than 41,000,000 Americans have been imprisoned on nonviolent drug-related charges. Most arrests have been for pot, and most have been of blacks and Hispanics.

The Drug War means to generate prison profits and guarantee that people of color can’t vote.

Trump’s assault on these families means to scare their community from the polls.

And to send us ALL a message: the GOP will do to human children what the Nazis did.

The Nazis claimed it was to “purify the race.” Sessions says it’s a “Biblical” obligation.

No matter the pretext: if they can rip children from parents – ANY children from ANY parents – tase them, cage them, traumatize them for life, treat them like sub-humans … they will absolutely do it to you and YOUR children … or worse.

And they want you to know this.

Be afraid. Be very afraid … and then ACT!!!

 Original at Reader Supported News