
"Flag of Germany" by i_aoquadrado is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

‘Germans are either at your throat or at your feet,’ quipped old war lover Winston Churchill.
Today, Germans are at our feet – an astounding 80 years after the end of World War II. Though mostly reunited, Germany remains an occupied nation reduced to second class status and afflicted with war guilt. Japan – also occupied – remains in a similar status.  
The recent German federal elections brought the moderate, polite Christian Democratic Union to power, ousting the feeble, namby pamby Socialists whose primary goal was not to offend anyone. Many younger Germans, fed up with Germany’s subservient behavior, voted for the new AfD, a moderately conservative party. But AfD was blocked from the coalition leadership after a chorus of howls from the press and rivals that it was a neo-Nazi party. AfD’s leader is a big-boned woman whom German media claims is a lesbian who lives with a south Asian younger lady. Hardly a reincarnation of the Third Reich.
The liberal German and US media kept running reports on Auschwitz and other wartime atrocities. No one took time to mention the Soviet concentration camps or the 27 million killed by Stalin in the USSR. No one mentions that ‘Nazi’ stands for ‘National Socialist.’ The feeble US-dominated German press never mentions that World War II was begun by France and Germany, or how many times Chancellor Hitler tried to make peace with London and Paris. Or how much German territory was detached in 1945-1948.
The most significant point is that Germany remains under US military occupation. This happened as result of what we believe was the Soviet threat in 1945 and after. General George S. Patton understood this well and said that the US should have attacked the Soviet Union, instead of Germany. He was killed soon after in a mysterious vehicle crash. Pavel Sudoplatov, a former KGB general, claimed in his very interesting book, ‘Special Tasks,’ that the Roosevelt administration had many high-level Soviet agents.
Today, of the 84,000 US troops in Europe, 39,000 are permanently based in Germany, 10,000 in Britain, 14,000 in Poland and 13,000 in sunny Italy, more in Turkey and the Baltic states. Many are air force personnel maintaining America’s control of the skies over Europe.
Of course, one must ask why 80 years after the end of WWII the US still maintains such large forces in Europe – not to mention Japan. The US says it is defending against a possible Russian invasion. But three years of war have shown that Russia is no longer the military juggernaut it was in the post-war years when its military forces numbered in the millions.
Russia’s Vlad Putin is a convenient bogeyman. Claims he intends to invade Western Europe are nonsense. He might try to reclaim the Baltic states. US claim’s that Putin wants to annex parts of the world are pretty rich considering the US invasions of Panama, Grenada, the Dominican Republic, Iraq, Somalia and, most lately, Trump’s territorial claims on Canada and Greenland.
The point is – how can a nation that has been occupied by a foreign army since 1945 be truly independent? When it was revealed the US National Security Agency was tapping the cellphone of former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, all the red-faced Germans dared do was huff and puff a little.
Germans should resume acting like a strong and proud people instead of beaten dogs. Germany is the locomotive of Europe. For Europe to reassume its key world role, Germany must lead the way instead of awaiting email instructions from Washington.
And it’s high time to forget about WWII.
Copyright. Eric S. Margolis 2025