Public Citizen reacts to tragedy in Japan
The whole world is horrified and saddened at the death and destruction wrought by an earthquake and subsequent tsunami in Japan. But the events following at the Fukushima Daiichi reactor in northeastern Japan have reminded us of the folly of investing in nuclear power. Despite the assurances of our elected officials and the industry, there is no way to guarantee the public’s safety when a natural disaster or terrorism strikes commercial reactors. And in the event of a nuclear disaster in the U.S., taxpayers — not the industry — would be on the hook for the cleanup.
Email President Barack Obama and urge him to end taxpayer subsidies for the nuclear industry

The Nuclear Information Resource Center Urgent sign-on to support people of Japan, expand evacuation zone
More than 168 citizens organizations in Japan submitted a petition to their government March 28 calling for an expanded evacuation zone near the Fukushima nuclear disaster site and other urgent measures to protect the public health and safety.

The official evacuation zone remains only 20 kilometers (12 miles), while the government has encouraged people within 30 kilometers (18.6 miles) to evacuate. Yet levels of cesium-137 in the village of Iitate, for example, have been measured at more than twice the levels that prompted the Soviet Union to evacuate people near Chernobyl. Iitate is 40 kilometers (24 miles) northwest of Fukushima. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission recommended a 50-mile evacuation zone for U.S. citizens in Japan.

The people of Japan are now asking for international support for their petition. NIRS supports this effort wholeheartedly: these are our colleagues and friends. We hope you'll sign by going to the Green Action site here. Note: after you sign, the site will send you a confirmation e-mail which you will also have to submit to ensure your signature is recorded.