President Obama has authorized surveillance drones over Syria, and is threatening to begin airstrikes in Syria, along with the ongoing strikes in Iraq. All without Congressional approval. The Syrian government has said that airstrikes in its airspace would constitute an act of aggression. Tell President Obama: Don’t bomb Syria or Iraq!

We’ve seen the pictures and read the news. ISIS is certainly frightening, and we’re deeply concerned about the people of Syria and Iraq. US military intervention in the region has historically been counterproductive. We've seen this from the 2003 US invasion of Iraq. What’s needed is a political and humanitarian solution to the crisis, not more violence.

What President Obama called a humanitarian mission to assist the besieged Yazidis has grown into a long-term bombing campaign that threatens to spill across the border into Syria. The US has already conducted over 100 airstrikes in Iraq and put 1,000 troops on the ground!

At the very least, the President (a constitutional lawyer!) should follow US law and consult Congress before taking military action. Last month, the House of Representatives passed H. Con. Res. 105, stating clearly that there is no legal authority for U.S. military involvement in the Middle East without express Congressional approval.

President Obama is putting the US in a dangerous position that could lead us into another costly, open-ended war in the Middle East. But we, the people, stopped a war on Syria last summer, and we can stop the next war now. It is madness that last year Obama wanted to bomb Assad, and now he wants to bomb ISIS for him! Tell President Obama: Don’t bomb Syria or Iraq! Support regional solutions to regional problems.

With hope in humanity and humanitarian solutions,
Alli, Anastasia, Holly, Jodie, Janet, Jes, Medea, Nada, Nathan, Nancy, Sophia, and Tighe