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A visit to the Driving Park Library polling site in Franklin County found that the presiding judge said that there the primarily black precincts had 24 provisional votes, between 5-10% of total votes at approximately 1pm.

At the polling site at the King Arts Complex in Columbus’ inner city, the precinct judge reported that four voting machines would not boot up at the beginning of the day and the BOE had to send in technicians. The machines were running by the time the polls opened. She reported between 30-40% provisional votes by approximately 1:30pm.

A forwarded report to the Free Press noted that in Bexley, Ohio, a voter was told that there was no Green Party ballot.

At the Whetstone Recreation Center polling site in Columbus, Grant Dyer, an 89 year old sight-impaired veteran, was not allowed to vote. He told the Free Press that he felt harassed at the polls. Because of his vision problems, his driver’s license had not been renewed and though it gave his current address that he was registered as a voter and had he had lived there 52 years, because it had expired, the pollworker would not let him vote. He told the Free Press that he was going home in a ride from his son to bring back his Medicare card and get photos of himself with the late Columbus Mayor Moody. He said he had worked for the City of Columbus for 14 years.

 Chris Hardin reported that a pollworker in Friendship Village in Dublin, Ohio told a voter that there was no Green Party ballot. A pollworker also told her that the machines were running slowly.

At 9:15pm the Free Press called the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections and the election official told us that there no results in yet, despite the fact that CNN is projecting Clinton as the winner and told us to look at the number of “Memory Sticks Processed” on their “Election Results” webpage. A news report online said that the Cleveland area had a high 29% voter turnout today. At the same time in the evening, Franklin County was showing 69% of precincts reporting in the 3rd district, 34% in the 12th and 22% in the 15th.

Election Protection volunteer Steve Spitz in Athens County reported very few provisional voters on the Ohio University campus. The student precincts at the Baker Center at Ohio University allow students to go to the Dean’s office and get a letter verifying their address, thus making it easier for students to vote a regular ballot rather than the provisional ballot. However, the legal observer in the city of Athens reported high rates of provisional ballots for Ohio University students living off campus. The provisional ballots don’t have to be counted until 10 days after the election and the official numbers from all ballots do not have to be certified by the county for 30 days.

A voter in Galloway, Ohio at the Columbia Heights United Methodist Church polling site was told that there was no Green Party ballot, only Democratic and Republican ballots.

My name is Leslie and I am working at the Bernie Sanders HQ.  We have reports of 50+ precincts (unverified)  that  have run out of ballots. 

At 9:15pm the Free Press called the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections and the election official told us that there no results in yet, despite the fact that CNN is projecting Clinton as the winner and told us to look at the number of “Memory Sticks Processed” on their “Election Results” webpage. A news report online said that the Cleveland area had a high 29% voter turnout today. At the same time in the evening, Franklin County was showing 69% of precincts reporting in the 3rd district, 34% in the 12th and 22% in the 15th.