Resident Donald Trump’s highly criticized so-called Election Integrity Commission, looking into supposed “voter fraud,” was disbanded Wednesday, January 3. The Commission was forged by fire in the tweets of Trump and his bizarre claim that Hillary Clinton’s more than 3 million popular vote win was based on votes by illegal immigrants.
Recently the Commission was in a spat with a dozen or so states when it demanded they submit all of their voter data to them. including partial voter Social Security numbers. Matthew Dunlap, Maine’s Secretary of State and Commission member, sued the commission claiming he was being kept in the dark on the group’s activities.
Ohio’s former Secretary of State Ken Blackwell’s appointment to the Commission resulted in open derision since he best known for suppressing votes in the notorious 2004 Ohio presidential election. Before Election Day, Blackwell rejected voter registration forms that weren’t submitted on 80-bond paper used prior to the advent of computers, instead of today’s standard 20-bond paper.
By the way, Kris Kobach served as the Commission’s Vice Chair. Kobach’s infamy stems from his attempt to claim that many Asian, Latino and black voters are double-voting around the country – because he has a database filled with voters with similar names. For example, someone named James Jackson could be found on the list in several states.
As the New York Times editorial put it, “The Bogus Voter-Fraud Commission is Dead, but the Myths Aren’t.”