This lame-duck Congress will likely be launching their first attack TOMORROW. The House of Representatives will likely vote tomorrow on a dangerous bill to expand oil drilling off our coasts, even in some special areas where drilling is currently banned. We need your immediate action to stop this last-ditch attempt to hand over our natural heritage to Big Oil.
Please call your Representative right now:

Tell your Member of Congress to vote NO on S.3711, the offshore oil and gas drilling bill and to stop the giveaways to Big Oil. Urge your Representative to support bills that will give us more renewable energy and REDUCE our destructive dependence on oil. And please help the NRDC Action Fund to expose and stop these eleventh-hour attacks on our environment by making a special donation today: Drilling Fund

Your contribution will enable us to mobilize nearly one million online activists, dozens of experts, and our lightning-fast media operation in order to thwart this and other lame-duck assaults on our last wild places. Drilling off our coasts will NOT bring down gas prices or advance energy security.

Remember: this is the same Congress that refused to make America's gas-guzzlers more fuel-efficient but has doled out billions of tax dollars to oil and coal companies instead. This latest bill is just more of the same corporate welfare. The American people voted on Election Day for a clean energy future that will help us kick the oil habit, slow global warming and save our natural heritage from destruction.

Tell your Representative to listen to the people -- not the polluters -- and vote NO on the offshore oil and gas drilling bill.