Did you know that being a woman is increasingly considered a "pre-existing condition" by health insurance companies? No, we're not kidding. Perhaps the most underreported practice of discrimination in our health care system is that women are regularly denied coverage for "pre-existing conditions" that include pregnancy, a previous C-Section, or being a victim of past domestic abuse.

Tell Congress to stop discriminatory health care practices today

Even when women do get coverage, it isn't cheap. More than 90 percent of the best-selling insurance plans charge women more than men, in some cases charging as much as 48 percent more for the same coverage. These pricey plans don't even include maternity care, vital reproductive health coverage which is nearly impossible to find on the private insurance market.

This treatment of women by the health care industry is unfair, unhealthy for our families, and unsustainable. It is discrimination we can no longer accept, and Congress needs to hear from people around the country that the fair treatment of women should be an essential part of health care reform.

The health care debate is coming to a close, and Congress will soon decide whether to end discriminatory health care. Your action is needed now.

Tell Congress to support health care reform that does not discriminate against women today!