As we all know, on Christmas Day Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab (Mutallab) boarded a plane in Amsterdam with a makeshift bomb hidden in his underwear. Thanks to an alert passenger and the technical difficulty involved, the bomb did not detonate, the bomber caught himself on fire, the plane landed safely and the young man, Mutallab, is in custody.

The performance of the corporately controlled Orwellian media is again abysmal to the point of being a joke. We must asked ourselves “why” in an age where real news is so readily available. Enter Kurt Haskell.

Michigan attorney Kurt Haskell witnessed two important events, neither of which has been widely reported although his testimony and collaborating testimony is available via You Tube videos of local news coverage including Mlive (Michigan live), NPR interviews, Fox News, Antiwar radio, and Alex Jones Prison Planet.

Mr. Haskell reports that he and his wife were sitting on the floor in a crowed room playing cards when he witnessed the so called "sharp dressed man." Haskel, who speaks carefully as an attorney, states that “While Mutallab was poorly dressed, his friend was dressed in an expensive suit”. He says the suited “Indian” man asked ticket agents whether a supposed “Sudanese refugee” (the terrorist, Mutallab) could board without a passport”. “The guy said, 'He's from Sudan and we do this all the time.'” Mr. Haskel makes clear that this does not mean that Mutallab did not have a passport, only that the well dressed man attempted and evidently succeeded in getting him on a plane with out displaying a passport. Haskell has clarified that the Indian looking man could have been Pakistani or other, that he would not been able to discern nationality. Mr. Haskell has confirmed that normal surveillance video would have been taken in this crowed departure area. This is the essence of Haskel's testimony, until the flight landed in Detroit.

According to Haskell, upon landing the FBI prevented passengers from leaving the plane for 2 to 3 hours, and then they were moved to a crowded customs room. Haskell's states that “During this time period, all of the passengers had their carry on bags with them. When the bomb sniffing dogs arrived, 1 dog found something in a carry on bag of a 30 ish Indian man. This is not the so called "Sharp Dressed" man. I will refer to this man as "The man in orange". The man in orange, who stood some 20ft away from me the entire time until he was taken away, was immediately taken away to be searched and interrogated in a nearby room. At this time he was not handcuffed. When he emerged from the room, he was then handcuffed and taken away. At this time an FBI agent came up to the rest of the passengers and said the following (approximate quote) "You all are being moved to another area because this area is not safe. I am sure many of you saw what just happened (Referring to the man in orange) and are smart enough to read between the lines and figure it out."

The story takes on importance when Haskell notes that “The FBI has, since we landed, insisted that only one man was arrested for the airliner attack (contradicting my account). However, several of my fellow passengers have come over the past few days, backed up my claim, and put pressure on FBI/Customs to tell the truth. Early today, I heard from two different reporters that a federal agency (FBI or Customs) was now admitting that another man has been held (and will be held indefinitely) since our flight landed for "immigration reasons." Notice that this man was "being held" and not "arrested", which was a cute semantic ploy by the FBI to stretch the truth and not lie.

Then, Customs agent Ron Smith went further, denying that the man arrested was on flight 253 at all.

I quote from the article written by Aaron Foley for Mlive:

However, a few hours later, Customs changed its story again. This time, Mr. Ron Smith of Customs, says the man that was detained "had been taken into custody, but today tells the news the person was a passenger on a different flight." Mr. Ron Smith, you are playing the American public for a fool. Lets take a look at how plausible this story is (After you've already changed it twice). For the story to be true, you have to believe, that:

1.FBI/Customs let passengers from another flight co-mingle with the passengers of flight 253 while the most important investigation in 8 years was pending. I have already stated that not one person who wasn't a passenger or law enforcement personnel was in our area the entire time we were detained by Customs.

2. FBI/Customs while detaining the flight 253 passengers in perhaps the most important investigation since the last terrorist attack, and despite not letting any flight 253 passenger drink, eat, make a call, or use the bathroom, let those of other flights trample through the area and possibly contaminate evidence. 3. You have to believe the above (1 and 2) despite the fact that no flights during this time allowed passengers to exit off of the planes at all and were detained on the runway during at least the first hour of our detention period. 4. You have to believe that the man that stood 20 feet from me since we entered customs came from a mysterious plane that never landed, let its passengers off the plane and let this man sneak into our passenger group despite having extremely tight security at this time (i.e. no drinking even). 5. FBI/Customs was hauling mysterious passengers from other flights through the area we were being held to possibly contaminate evidence and allow discussions with suspects on Flight 253 or to possibly allow the exchange of bombs, weapons or other devices between the mysterious passengers from other flights and those on flight 253.

Passenger Daniel Huisinga has verified much of Haskel's account, here in an interview with Fox “News”. Mr. Huisinga went further describing the bomber's behavior in similar terms that RFK alleged assassin Sirhan Sirhan was described. Many serious researchers into that event have concluded that Sirhan was a hypnotized, programmed assassin. Huisanga said that “the scariest part of the whole experience was looking into the eyes....seeing no emotion, no anger, no fear, just a blank stare, blank expression”

Wolf Blitzer and the corporately controlled media connect Mutallab to an Al Qaeda franchise in Yemen, including speculation as to the need for another military intervention. The Orwellian media fail to note that Al Qaeda in Arabian Peninsula has said that the attempted attack was a response measure to the U.S. (drone) attacks on a group in Yemen which began on November 3, 2009. But they ignore the Sharp Dressed Indian looking man who evidently intervened with authorities in order to get Mutallab onto the flight, and they have both ignored and denied the “man in orange” who was taken away in handcuffs in Detroit.

We can only speculate as to why Well Dressed Man and Man in Orange have not been identified. We can be certain that these two men were not aliens from another planet. They have names, families, and associates. Are they connected with a government or an intelligence agency? Our government and our controlled media want us to see a connection between remote terrorists and this attempted terrorist act, without being able to see the murky, muddy reality that exists between Yemen and Detroit.