A newsletter from the Central Ohio Green Education Fund

Greens have a passion about certain local issues. What do we want? Clean air, clean water (rivers, lakes, streams, tributaries) and unpolluted land (read: no toxic waste stored in barrels, left on some army base, which are now leaking any number of chemical pollutants into the soil). We don’t see ourselves as being “different,” we simply don’t want to get poisoned, and we feel that a majority of the people share our beliefs. That’s why we educate and serve the central Ohio community.

The Central Ohio Green Education Fund formed a 501(c)3 charitable organization in 1991. We were a founding member of Greater Columbus Community Shares in 1993 and remain active members. COGEF sponsored several Earth Day celebrations and hope to do more in the future. Our information table is at every Community Festival in June. The Green Education Fund also makes grants to organizations that do environmental and social justice work in Central Ohio. That’s why we are sponsoring this issue of the Free Press.

To Contact the Central Ohio Green Education Fund: Deborah Halbert 263-3859
Gregory Gross 261-7534
Grant proposals can be sent to:
Gregory Gross, 12 E. Duncan St., Columbus OH 43202
Proposals must be from central Ohio nonprofit organizations or individuals with social justice or environmental projects in central Ohio