
25 October 2018


Following national politics has been a tough slog recently so I’m just going to cut to the chase.

The most pressing issue is the caravan of migrants slowly heading towards the US border. A group of...

18 October 2018

Getting to the bottom of the Jamal Khashoggi disappearance is a bit like peeling an onion. It is known that Khashoggi entered the Saudi Arabian Consulate in Istanbul on October 2nd to get a document that would enable him to marry a...

24 September 2018

On the 17th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks that let loose so much international violence, the public has a right to ask what really happened on that day. Here are eight points to ponder.

1. Questioners of the official...

12 September 2018

Shortly after JFK was assassinated by more than one shooter on 11/22/63 (making the assassination a true conspiracy – rather than a non-conspiratorial “lone-gunman” shooting) the CIA devised a cunning ploy by inventing the...

06 September 2018

Over the past 17 years since 9/11/01, the title question has plagued the tens of thousands of committed groups of highly intelligent and thorough truth-seeking scientists, physicists, architects, engineers, pilots, ex-military officers...


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