
26 September 2007
Jeremy Scahill, author of a terrific book on the Blackwater mercenary army, spoke in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Tuesday to a packed hall.  He took questions at the end, and one man asked something to the effect of "Why does the...
24 September 2007
A Roseland, Indiana, city council member orders police to remove a fellow city council member.  The police escort him out, shove him down on his face and pound his head. Onlookers either cheer, do nothing, joke, behave as if all were...
21 September 2007
The abyss between “crime against humanity” and “we’ll have to look into this” may be all but unfathomable — deep as a mass grave — but sometimes we have to trust the process.

I fear that democratic progress is a mouse’s...
20 September 2007
As police officers were torturing a University of Florida student with a taser in the back of a lecture hall as punishment for asking inconvenient questions of Senator John Kerry, the Senator chose not to order them to stop. Rather he...
18 September 2007
Osama bin Laden has once again managed to occupy the stage and to insist on his relevance to the story of September 11, 2001. In his most recent video message, released by Reuters a few days before the sixth anniversary of the terrorist...
12 September 2007
When Martin Luther King Jr. publicly referred to “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today -- my own government,” he had no way of knowing that his description would ring so true 40 years later. As the autumn of 2007 begins,...


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