
16 August 2007
Heckuva job, fellas!

The monster called Iraq that the Bush administration has bequeathed humanity was created with a breath-sucking mix of high-tech ruthlessness, messianic ideology and sheer, FEMA-quality incompetence — and,...
13 August 2007
Should it go without saying that the current Congress is Democratic?  The Democrats have the majority, control the agenda, and chair and hold a majority on every committee.  But does that make the Congress Democratic?

10 August 2007
There is something else we can try.  If you've given up on staging marches and rallies, or if – like me – you haven't but you want to try something else as well, and if you've given up on lobbying Congress as pointless, or if – like me –...
09 August 2007
I've been a reader and contributor to the Black Commentator since it began, as well as to the Black Agenda Report, which split off from it.  The July 23rd sit-in in Congressman John Conyers' office, in which I took part, has led to quite a...
09 August 2007
Following on the heels of his flirtation with violent "decisiveness" toward Pakistan, Barack Obama got twisted up even further in the conflicting loyalties that complicate the lives of Democratic presidential candidates and the people who...
08 August 2007
If you support the ongoing occupation of Iraq, I'm sure you have your reasons and that they're based in hard scientific calculations. But please indulge me for a moment and help me do this little math problem:

All the benefits...


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