
08 August 2007
The problem with letting history judge is that so many officials get away with murder in the meantime -- while precious few choose to face protracted vilification for pursuing truth and peace.

     A grand total of two people...
07 August 2007
In a report on a recent discussion between Senator Chris Dodd, Democratic candidate for president, and a group of bloggers, we learn that:
05 August 2007
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they attack you... what's next?

The Washington Post today published an...
02 August 2007
Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin (D., Wisconsin) and Congressman Donald Payne (D., N.J.) have signed on as cosponsors of H. Res. 333, a bill proposing articles of impeachment against Vice President Dick Cheney, according to Congressman Dennis...
01 August 2007
John Cavanagh of the Institute for Policy Studies opened an event at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday.  Cavanagh announced that with the recent addition of Santa Fe, N.M., a total of exactly 300 towns, cities, and...
01 August 2007
“The best strategic minds in both parties have argued for months that the answer is essentially to muddle our way out, cut our losses carefully and try to salvage what we can from a mission gone bad.”

This isn’t pretty. Not...


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