
31 July 2004
No, hope does not gallop in like Paul Revere. And it certainly doesn't arrive breathless from a corporate party convention.

Movements for peace and social justice can bring realistic hope -- not with rhetoric but...
30 July 2004
This week the Democratic Party successfully launched a great ship of hope from Boston harbor. And while the winds of change that would guide it grow mightier, it is by no means certain that it will reach its destination come this...
28 July 2004
If Kerry is a "flip-flopper" because he won't end the war (or the "Patriot Act" or NAFTA or private health insurance) even as he speaks against these horrors, what do we have to call Kucinich, who insists on ending these things even as...
22 July 2004
AUSTIN, Texas -- We cannot let pass without salute Martha Stewart’s remarks after being sentenced to five months in prison. In the long history of amazing things said by people in peculiar circumstances, you must admit, this ranks right up...
14 July 2004
"On this night I would like to depart from the usual speech demanded on such occasions when, every four years, we celebrate the process of democracy. On this night, ladies and gentlemen, I would instead like to speak about America's...
14 July 2004
AUSTIN, Texas  -- I like Bill Clinton's book. I feel as though I should immediately apologize for saying that. I mean, it's gotten a bunch of bad reviews -- all sorts of superior people have peed all over it and pointed out he shouldn't...


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