
02 June 2004
AUSTIN, Texas -- CBS News has acquired tapes of Enron employees boasting about how they were "f-----g over" California during the late, great "energy crisis" there.

        My favorite segment in these charming conversations...
01 June 2004
AUSTIN, Texas -- Here's a special story about a big payday. Richard Strong, formerly of Strong Capital Management Co., will receive 85 percent of a sum estimated to be between $400 million and $700 million dollars. That's a lot of lettuce...
01 June 2004
If Mark Twain were living now instead of a century ago -- when he declared himself "an anti-imperialist" and proclaimed that "I am opposed to having the eagle put its talons on any other land" -- the famous writer's views would exist...
28 May 2004
AUSTIN, Texas -- Too bad for anyone who tuned in to President Bush's speech Monday night hoping to hear something that would cheer us up -- like a plan. That was as depressing as divorce. There he was, still peddling the phony idea that...
28 May 2004
For many years, health-conscious Americans avidly consumed margarine as a wholesome substitute for artery-clogging butter. Only later did research shed light on grim effects of the partially hydrogenated oil in margarine, with results...
23 May 2004

Marc Emery

In between producing Pot-TV and publishing Cannabis Culture magazine, Canadian marijuana seed magnet Marc Emery somehow finds time for his unique brand of in-your-face...


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