
15 March 2004
AUSTIN, Texas -- How much fun can one administration have? More dead GIs. New record trade deficit. Stock market plunges. Ally in Spain goes down to defeat. The new Spanish prime minister says the occupation in Iraq is a "continuing...
15 March 2004
Freep Heroes – Kevin Phillips and Paul O’Neill

American Dynasty: Aristocracy, Fortune And The Politics Of Deceit In The House Of Bush by Phillips and The Price of Loyalty by O’Neill verify and document in detail...
11 March 2004
To encourage restraint in war coverage, governments don’t need to shoot journalists -- though sometimes that’s helpful.

Thirteen journalists were killed while covering the war and occupation in Iraq last year,...
10 March 2004
AUSTIN, Texas -- Gosh, we are having such a swell time here in Texas. For starters, once again the speaker of the Texas House is under investigation by a grand jury. We're so proud. We have nothing against this guy personally, we're just...
08 March 2004
AUSTIN, Texas -- Living proof that the Democrats haven't gotten any smarter since the last time they ran a candidate for president. Much huffing (and a huffy Democrat is a terrifying sight) over the fact that George W. Bush used images of...
04 March 2004
AUSTIN, Texas -- So the Democrats have a candidate at last, and he is about bent over double with gravitas. I think that means he doesn't a have humorous bone in his body. It's a good thing there's at least one serious person in this race...


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