
31 March 2004
AUSTIN, Texas -- Strange peaches. All of us out here in the boonies should be aware this is a truly weird political year. For one thing, nobody has ever seen this much money involved. What can $200 million do in a political race, answered...
29 March 2004
AUSTIN, Texas -- O Karl Rove, Karl Rove, birder thou never wert. If George W. Bush loses the election narrowly in November, put it down to the birders. You read it here first. What was Rove thinking when he allowed William Haynes II to be...
25 March 2004
AUSTIN, Texas -- I'd like to thank Richard Clarke for doing the most obvious, decent and necessary thing this country needed from its government after 9-11, and that is to apologize to the families of those who died in those attacks and to...
25 March 2004
For 30 months, 9/11 was a huge political blessing for George W. Bush. This week, the media halo fell off.

     Within the space of a few days, culminating with his testimony to the Sept. 11 commission Wednesday afternoon,...
22 March 2004
AUSTIN, Texas -- Naturally, when I heard President Bush is now claiming to be in the forefront of the fight against corporate crime, I thought it was an April Fools' joke. But no, there it is in print -- he made a big speech about it in...
17 March 2004
AUSTIN, Texas -- My, we are off to an elegant start here, aren't we?

            First, we have John Kerry in a classic open-mike gaffe referring to his Republican opponents as "crooked" and "lying." While this was not a high...


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