
02 January 2004
We can argue about George Will’s political views. But there’s no need to debate his professional ethics.

     Late December brought to light a pair of self-inflicted wounds to the famous columnist’s ethical pretensions. He...
26 December 2003
No doubt Lenny Bruce would have laughed with at least a tinge of bitterness if -- like millions of Americans -- he picked up a newspaper the day before Christmas 2003 and read that he’d been “pardoned” by the governor of New York for an...
23 December 2003
The P.U.-litzer Prizes were established more than a decade ago to give recognition to the stinkiest media performances of the year.

     As usual, I have conferred with Jeff Cohen, founder of the media watch group FAIR, to...
23 December 2003
Please note I avoid the phrase "Happy Holidays." Can we please deep-six this trite "non-denominational" greeting, designed to alert the world that those uttering the salutation are sensitive people aware that the recipients of the greeting...
17 December 2003
The last time I saw pictures of a man in need of a haircut being so memorably displayed as a trophy of the American empire it was Che Guevara, stretched out dead on a table in a schoolhouse in La Higuera, a little village in the Bolivian...
11 December 2003
SAN FRANCISCO -- Up against the campaign of a wealthy businessman who outspent him nearly 10-to-1, a strong progressive candidate nearly won the runoff election last Tuesday to become this city’s mayor. Some national news stories depicted...


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