
10 October 2003
Now that California’s electorate has rewarded a dramatic recall effort, some sequels are likely elsewhere in the near future. It’s a good bet that political operatives in many states will try to learn from this fall’s Golden State...
08 October 2003
            AUSTIN, Texas -- Not that any of us is in a position to criticize the Great Scriptwriter in the Sky, but don't you think She's been going a little heavy on the irony lately?

            All those folks who had...
07 October 2003
NEW YORK, N.Y. -- Much as I hate to interrupt what is apparently a deeply felt triumphalism on the American right, now that it's over, does anyone see any reason for our having invaded Iraq?

            I realize that's what...
06 October 2003
George W. Bush’s grandfather helped finance the Nazi Party. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Austrian father volunteered for the infamous Nazi SA and became a ranking officer. And Karl Rove can’t hide his joy at witnessing “a Nazi rally” in support...
06 October 2003
This article is the original version of an updated piece. Please view the version in the National News section (www....
02 October 2003
NEW YORK CITY -- Are you confused yet? Two weeks ago, President Bush said, "There's no question that Saddam Hussein had Al Qaeda ties." In September 2002, he said, "You can't distinguish between Al Qaeda and Saddam." But Bush also said two...


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