
21 July 2003
AUSTIN -- Probably because I'm supposed to have a sense of humor, I once wound up on a distinguished panel on the subject of legal ethics, which some people consider a joke to begin with. Dan Rather and I were there as agents...
17 July 2003
The superstar columnist George Will has an impressive vocabulary. Too bad it doesn’t include the words “I’m sorry.”

     Ten months ago, Will led the media charge when a member of Congress dared to say that President Bush...
14 July 2003
AUSTIN, Texas -- I opposed the war in Iraq because I thought it would lead to the peace from hell, but I'd rather not see my prediction come true and I don't think we have much time left to avert it. That the occupation is not going well...
07 July 2003
These are days when it seems sanity has left us. Civic neurosis is maintained by keeping us living in a constant state of color-coded mental emergency. The besieged mind then retreats into thinking only of those most basic human needs:...
30 June 2003
       AUSTIN -- Congratulations to the Supreme Court on its 6-3 decision in the Texas sodomy law case and to all those, including the gay rights groups and the American Civil Liberties Union, who have fought so long and hard to rid the...
30 June 2003
  Media critics often say that visual images trump words. The claim makes some sense: Pictures have major impacts on how we see the world. And we’re apt to pay less attention to photo captions or the voice-overs that accompany news footage...


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