
26 August 2003
AUSTIN -- One problem I have with Arnold Schwarzenegger is that he looks like a condom stuffed with walnuts. I realize that is superficial, shallow and unbecoming to a semi-serious-minded liberal like myself, but there it is. The other is...
21 August 2003
AUSTIN, Texas -- When in the midst of a Blame Typhoon, with charges and counter-charges being hurled in all directions, I find it most useful to consult those two polar stars of utter wrongheadedness, Tom DeLay and The Wall Street Journal'...
21 August 2003
The “Bulworth” movie -- with Warren Beatty playing a senator who begins to speak disturbing truths in the form of rap lyrics -- caused quite a stir when it came out five years ago. At the time, I wondered aloud in a column about what might...
19 August 2003
            AUSTIN, Texas -- It's the All-American Blame Game! A Finger-Pointing festival. A perfectly circular firing squad of, "Told you so." Bureaucrats perfecting their CYA moves. Politicians jumping on the opportunity to make points...
14 August 2003
Contrary to media cliches about “the silly season,” this is a time of very serious -- and probably catastrophic -- political maneuvers.

     From California to the U.N. building in New York City to the sweltering heat of Iraq...
13 August 2003
AUSTIN, Texas -- Hang in there, Texas Eleven. You are not forgotten.

            Gov. Goodhair Perry says the AWOL senators are holding up "issues of great importance to the people of Texas." That's funny. There has been one...


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