The prime beneficiary of the Iowa caucuses was the battered Iowa economy, pulling in $100 per voter in the caucuses, spent by the candidates mostly in TV advertising. In terms of political import, history instructs that the victory in...
18 January 2004
HB 272, the Defense of Marriage Act has been assigned to the Ohio Senate Finance and Financial Institutions Committee. The bill is on an extremely fast track. The bill is going to have a hearing on Tuesday, January 20, 2004 at 1:00 PM in...
16 January 2004
Here we have former U.S. Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill disclosing that George Bush came into office planning to overthrow Saddam Hussein, and MSNBC polls its audience with the question, Did O'Neill betray Bush?
16 January 2004
Students For Recycling is looking for two Coordinator Positions to help
with the innovative program "Dump & Run". Dump & Run is a non-profit
company that is helping OSU and SFR rescue usable items discarded by
12 January 2004
Community Organizer for Columbus, Ohio
The Sierra Club, a leading environmental organization, seeks two (2) full-time Community Organizers in Columbus, Ohio to plan, organize and implement the education and mobilization...
The Sierra Club, a leading environmental organization, seeks two (2) full-time Community Organizers in Columbus, Ohio to plan, organize and implement the education and mobilization...
08 January 2004
We all know that politicians sometimes play fast and loose with the facts, but few are as easy to catch as the consummate storyteller Stephanie Hightower.
President Harry Truman once remarked that Richard Nixon “didn’t...
President Harry Truman once remarked that Richard Nixon “didn’t...