
08 January 2004
If you want to get your political juices flowing early this crucial election year, reading George W. Bush vs. The Superpower of Peace by Harvey Wasserman and Bob Fitrakis should do the trick.

  The book’s subtitle, How...
08 January 2004
Columbus, OH – Switchboards at Ohio legislator’s offices have been lighting up as activists and medical marijuana patients seek to garner support for a pending medical marijuana bill.

The Ohio Medical Marijuana Act,...
08 January 2004
Newcomers to the city often wonder how exactly did the Columbus Public Schools get so profoundly screwed up? If the Chamber of Commerce wanted to really give people moving into Columbus the truth of why the school system is so bad, they...
08 January 2004
The Ohio Sierra Club hired expert analyst Alex Sagady of E. Lansing, MI, to review the permit and plant specifications of Universal Purifying Technology (UPT)’s proposed tire pyrolysis plant. The Club has concerns about emissions from...
08 January 2004

Public Access TV: On December 18th, Rich James, Chair of the Neighborhood Network, spoke at City budget hearings. To read his prepared remarks visit www....
08 January 2004
This issue’s column is kindly submitted by Free Press Board member Sarah Clark. Thanks, Sarah!

Recently, the U.S. government officially acknowledged the presence of a lame cow slaughtered in Washington State that had the...


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