
29 August 2003
Icelandic whalers have begun the take of 38 minke whales announced by the Government of Iceland on 6 August as the start of a so called 'scientific' whaling program. The program will expand to take 250 whales, including sei and fin whales...
27 August 2003
"One has to be careful," said U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan earlier this month, "not to confuse the U.N. with the U.S." If the Secretary General had taken his own advice, then maybe his Brazilian subordinate, Vieira de Mello, might not...
27 August 2003
AUSTIN -- This poignant Labor Day, when the numbers are bad, the policies are worse and the jobs are disappearing, it's not so much the economy that riles me as the disrespect and the gratuitous contempt with which this administration...
23 August 2003
Tell the Bush Administration you oppose their plans to exempt the Tongass and Chugach National Forests in Alaska from the Roadless Rule!

Public comment period extended to September 2nd!

This extension appears to...
23 August 2003
On August 19th, Attorney General John Ashcroft will begin traveling to over a dozen U.S. cities to “set the record straight” about “mischaracterizations” of powers granted to the Justice Department under the USA Patriot Act. Ashcroft may...
23 August 2003
I need your help to convince Governor Taft to veto HB 152 , the bad megafarm bill! The Governor will make a decision about HB 152 in the next week. Please call the Governor's office, ask for Kate Bartter, and tell her that you strongly...


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