
02 August 2003
Dear Editor,

Hi, I just want to say THREE CHEERS!!!! We have to believe truth will set us free... and it’s about time someone besides Michael Moore took umbrage with the BS of polls suggesting this imbecile, cold blooded KILLER is a...

02 August 2003
President Bush has asked Congress for $76 billion to pay the initial costs of the war in Iraq. For the same amount of money, we could hire 1,155,715 elementary school teachers to educate America’s Children.

  • One second of...
  • 02 August 2003
    Freep Hero

    Gregory Palast

    Thank God for freedom of the press. At least it’s working in Britain. The Freep honors Gregory Palast, a British journalist, as its hero. Palast’s reporting on the Bush family...
    02 August 2003
    The invasion of Iraq – a country severely weakened by 12 ½ years of genocidal sanctions and disarmed by the U.N. at the insistence of the attackers – was not a war. It was a war crime. It appears now that the real problem wasn’t bad...
    02 August 2003
    Taxpayer protection & campaign finance: You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours

    Progressives know that in our system, access to government and to elected officials is bought and paid for by campaign...
    02 August 2003
    Voter machine paper trail legislation for free and fair elections Our most basic civil right is under assault on many fronts. Voting.

    Rep. Rush Holt has introduced legislation to require all voting machines to...


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