
02 August 2003
You try to tell us that we are free
Free to be slaves of your regime

You try to tell us that we are free
Free to be slaves of your regime

It’s mighty funny how the eagle flies
It’s time to...
01 August 2003
The now-forming Third Hand Bike Cooperative has received enthusiastic support at its one fundraiser and six meetings. The Co-op has adopted the Third Hand name and the mission to advocate socially and environmentally responsible...
01 August 2003
Progress with Economic and Environmental Responsibility, Inc. (PEER) announced that it will lead an Initiative Petition Drive to amend the Columbus City Charter. The Initiative will allow voters to elect an as yet undetermined number of...
01 August 2003
The experience of protesting Bush’s imperialist agenda on a military base was an eye-opener for some of us from Columbus -- freedom of speech may still be alive, but its voice is faint. The whole event at the Dayton Air Museum was...
01 August 2003
In case anyone in central Ohio didn’t know, the movement for marijuana law reform is alive and well. Two major cannabis liberation events happen this spring in Columbus, the Global March for Cannabis liberation and the 16th annual Hempfest...
01 August 2003
Two thousand progressive leaders from around the country gathered in DC June 4-6 to take stock of their prospects to “Take Back America.” Co-Convener Robert Borasage also described it as an “idea primary” in which many of the Democratic...


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