
02 July 2003
New Plan for Government Investment in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Cuts Persian Gulf Oil Imports in Half. "The Apollo Project" is a 10-point plan for energy independence proposed by A HISTORIC COALITION of labor unions,...
26 June 2003
On June 19th, we had our first big victory in the fight to overturn the FCC's decision to weaken media ownership rules when the Senate Commerce Committee approved a bi-partisan proposal that we support, S. 1046, that would reinstate the...
26 June 2003
            They're saving the world from hunger again. This time, the bold crusaders have been mustered in Sacramento, Calif., to proclaim the glories of chemical-industrial agriculture, biotech, genetically modified crops and livestock,...
25 June 2003
            Here I am, enjoying post-solstice sunrise at 5.48 a.m., and, on California's North Coast, sunset at 8.35 p.m. (probably classified info if you ask Tom Ridge). I'm in the early summer of 2003, and already people are acting as...


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