
23 May 2003
April 7, 2003

Dear friends,

It appears that the Bush administra- tion will have succeeded in coloniz ing Iraq sometime in the next few days. This is a blunder of such magnitude — and we will pay for it for...
23 May 2003
My fellow advocate for peace,

For more than six months, millions of people throughout the world have joined together against war. Millions have instead stood for peace. And, while we support our sons and daughters, our...
23 May 2003
In the latest sign of a troubled American democracy, a large majority of U.S. citizens now say they wouldn’t mind if no weapons of mass destruction are found in Iraq, though it was George W. Bush’s chief rationale for war. Americans...
23 May 2003
“Boycott the News” is an indirect boycott designed to correct bias and censorship in the news coverage of the war. It aims to disrupt the flow of advertising revenue that supports the network newscasts. The combined effect of September...
23 May 2003
Two years ago I moved back to Co lumbus, in part to care for a rela tive and in part because I missed the progressive community here (yes, there is one!). I moved away nine years before for a job in Lexington, KY and have since lived and...
23 May 2003
This legislation seeks to move most state court class actions into federal courts, posing a threat to basic civil rights and unfairly blocking the disadvantaged members of society, including women and racial minorities, from obtaining...


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