
14 May 2003
There are so many smellier corpses in the New York Times' mausoleum, not to mention that larger graveyard of truth known as the Fourth Estate, that it's hard to get too upset about what Jayson Blair did. Oh, to be sure, he made up a bunch...
12 May 2003
I am writing this on the behalf of my fellow American Indian students and myself who are tired of being ignored, silenced, and dismissed with words of support that those in the position to help us feel we want to hear but do...
07 May 2003
Not so long ago, I commented on a column by Christopher Hitchens in Vanity Fair, in which this well-known toper addressed himself to the theme of "How To Make Drink One's Slave and Not One's Master." Having already had rich sport...
04 May 2003
I just received a call from Peggy Kidwell concerning her husband Joe "Hemp" Kidwell. Joe was an outspoken medical marijuana activist in Southern California who moved to Kentucky. In Kentucky, he was arrested for possession. He was not...
04 May 2003
On April 30, 2003, Dylan Hallsmith, the founder of the Kids 4 Kucinich campaign, met with Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) in Washington. Kids 4 Kucinich is working to raise awareness among young people about the importance of getting...
04 May 2003
Akron, Ohio, April 28, 2003- People for Peace of Greater Akron will sponsor the Mothers and Others March (MOM) for Peace & Justice on Saturday May 10, 2003. Our rally begins at 2:00 p.m., at the corner of West. Exchange and Locust...


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