
Saul Landau is an Institute for Policy Studies Fellow.

Articles by Author

03 March 2012
The media's ability to confuse celebrity "news" with war and economic disaster grows stronger.

As North Korea ramped up its threats to attack...
12 January 2012
“…they cannot forgive us, who are there in front of their noses and who have made a socialist revolution before the very nose of the United States!”
30 September 2011
In 2001, Miami Federal Judge Joan Lenard sentenced five Cuban agents to long prison terms for conspiracy to commit espionage (although no evidence of espionage...
28 May 2011
“No hay peor ciego que el que no quiere ver” – Spanish saying.
(There is no worse blind person than the one who does not wish to see.)
On May 13,...
21 May 2011
How did this country survive before it found formidable enemies around which the government could mobilize hatred and fear?

I don’t remember the...
20 February 2011
In upmarket restaurants one wouldn’t know the world is suffering from a food crisis. As I observed young executives and professionals slurping oysters and...
