
21 September 2005
“The specter of Vietnam has been buried forever in the desert sands of the Arabian peninsula,” President George H. W. Bush said of the Gulf War victory in early 1991. He told a gathering of state legislators, “It's a proud day for America...
20 September 2005
CHICAGO – The Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr., founder and president of the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, issued the following statement regarding President Bush’s Recovery Plan for the Gulf Coast region:

The Bush Administration,...
20 September 2005
AUSTIN, Texas -- What we need in this country -- along with a disaster relief agency -- is a Media Accountability Day. One precious day out of the entire year when everyone in the news media stops reporting on what's wrong with everyone...
20 September 2005
The New York Times began a new week with an editorial that typifies the media mind-set of the warfare state.

The Sept. 19 editorial warns of dire consequences from a growing deficit that has been boosted by tax cuts -- in...
17 September 2005
AUSTIN, Texas -- Here's a good idea: Consumer groups and progressive congressfolks have joined in an effort to stop hundreds of thousands of victims of Hurricane Katrina from being further harmed by the new Bankruptcy Act, scheduled to...
15 September 2005
AUSTIN, Texas -- (With apologies to Ring Lardner and the "You Know Me, Al" letters.)

Dear Friend Dubya,

You know me, pal -- your ol' buddy, governor of Texas and the man with the reelly,...


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