
15 September 2005
Weather can wipe out cities forever. It's what happened to America's first city, after all, as a visit to Chaco Canyon northeast of Gallup, N.M., attests. At the start of the 13th century, it got hotter in that part of the world, and by...
11 September 2005
Today marks four years that George W. Bush has been a complete flop as a “War President,” the worst Commander in Chief in US History.

On September 11, 2001, Bush’s incompetence -- at very least -- allowed Osama bin Laden’s...
08 September 2005
AUSTIN, Texas -- George W. Bush has come up with his worst idea since he decided to have the military investigate torture by the military at Abu Ghraib prison. He, George W. personally, plans to investigate to "find out what went right...
08 September 2005
Politicians in Columbus tend to be cautious and staid. And then there was Bill Moss ? the boss with the red hot sauce. Future generations will scarcely believe that such a courageous, unbought and unbossed man walked the streets of their...
08 September 2005
Freep Hero - Cindy Sheehan

Cindy Sheehan reminds us of the power of peaceful dissent. Her stance in Crawford, Texas, at George W. Bush's converted pig farm and faux photo-op ranch, has galvanized America's peace...
08 September 2005
More than two years after the illegal and immoral U.S. invasion of Iraq, the nightmare continues.

More than 1600 U.S. soldiers have died, at least another 15,000 have been wounded; even the most conservative estimates of...


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