
08 September 2005
Freep Hero - Cindy Sheehan

Cindy Sheehan reminds us of the power of peaceful dissent. Her stance in Crawford, Texas, at George W. Bush's converted pig farm and faux photo-op ranch, has galvanized America's peace...
08 September 2005
More than two years after the illegal and immoral U.S. invasion of Iraq, the nightmare continues.

More than 1600 U.S. soldiers have died, at least another 15,000 have been wounded; even the most conservative estimates of...
07 September 2005
Nature really kicks the door down once in a while and lets us know how humans have made a mess of things. A few years ago, Hurricane Mitch laid waste much of Guatemala and neighboring countries. The hills crumbled and topsoil sluiced into...
06 September 2005
Calls for firing Michael Brown are understandable. Aptly described as “the blithering idiot in charge of FEMA” by columnist Maureen Dowd a few days ago, he’s an easy and appropriate target.

President Bush met with Brown...
04 September 2005
President Bush has evaded Cindy Sheehan’s question, “What was the noble cause that my son died for?” But he provided a partial answer on the day that the New Orleans levees gave way.

The media coverage was scant and...
04 September 2005
In the wake of the New Orleans disaster, I thought of an article I read about Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen’s other yacht. The 300-foot Tatoosh carries a 30-person crew, two helicopters, a swimming pool, a spa, a private movie theater,...


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