21 March 2005
On February 14, United States Senator Russell Feingold of Wisconsin and 17 U.S. Representatives including Dennis Kucinich of Ohio joined U.S. Representative John Conyers in filing an amicus curiae brief opposing sanctions against the...
21 March 2005
It has been 11 years since the Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN) marched down from the highlands and into the international spotlight. Overrunning the Mexican military, the EZLN seized control of four highland towns in Chiapas. The...
21 March 2005
 On Tuesday, February 15, Governor Taft signed the “Choose Life” license plate bill into law, ignoring the nearly 1,000 letters and phone calls from NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio activists urging him to veto the measure. When this law goes...
21 March 2005
Was the election “stolen” from John Kerry?

I say probably, because it literally is about probabilities.

Almost all the so-called “irregularities” favored Bush. If, in fact, irregularities occurred...
21 March 2005
Ohio Attorney General Jim Petro

Ohio Attorney General James Petro has had a longstanding reputation as a political enforcer for the dirty practices of the Ohio Republican Party. Prior to...
21 March 2005
First they steal elections and now they’re coming for the professors. Nazi Germany in the 1930’s? No, just the latest bill introduced in the Ohio Senate by the emboldened authoritarian forces of the Right. Ohio Senator Larry Mumphers (R-...


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