06 February 2005
Boycott Products with aspartame
Much controversy has surrounded the issue of whether or not the artificial sweetener aspartame is safe for consumption. However, the hot debate has reached an all-time high, as a $350-million...
05 February 2005
The Ohio Senate is considering a bill that would censor Ohio colleges and
universities. The so-called "Academic Bill of Rights" is truly a misnomer,
as it is really an "academic bill of restrictions." The ACLU of Ohio opposes
passage of...
01 February 2005
When it comes to left and right, meaning the respective voices of sanity and dementia, we're meant to keep two sets of books.
Start with sanity, in the form of Ward Churchill, a tenured professor at the University of...
Start with sanity, in the form of Ward Churchill, a tenured professor at the University of...
28 January 2005
After the November presidential election, as informal accounts of massive voting
irregularities began to surface, Columbus citizens organized public hearings to
document and investigate the reports. Some national organizations had huge...
27 January 2005
Robert J. Fitrakis isn't the first person to accuse Ohio Attorney General Jim Petro of "political payback" and he probably won't be the last. Political payback appears to be the Petro's -- and the Ohio Republican Party's -- way of doing...