25 February 2005
I guess I can call myself one of the Dylan generation since, at 63, I'm the same age as him, but the prose stylists that allured an Anglo-Irish lad hopelessly strapped into the corsets of Latinate gentility were always those of American...
21 February 2005
A National Teach-In
On the 2004 Election and what we must do to restore democracy
With Bob Fitrakis
Ohio Attorney, Editor, Columbus Free Press
Saturday, Feb. 26th
A National Teach-In
On the 2004 Election and what we must do to restore democracy
With Bob Fitrakis
Ohio Attorney, Editor, Columbus Free Press
Saturday, Feb. 26th
18 February 2005
I would like to take this opportunity to apologize.
On the advice of my attorney, however, I can’t tell you exactly what it is that I am apologizing for. But trust me, it’s worth saying I’m sorry.
That’s because what I did...
17 February 2005
Years ago, my friend Edward Said's wife, Mariam, asked if I would make available my apartment in New York, where I lived at that time, as the site for a surprise 40th birthday for Edward Said. I dislike surprise parties, but, of course, I...