
29 March 2003
FREE computer recycling event! Find a new life for your old computer. Dell Computer Corp. is supporting the Environmental Protection Agency's "Plug-In To Recycling" campaign by organizing a FREE computer recycling event with Ohio State...
29 March 2003
James Coleman, Chair of the American Bar Association’s (ABA) Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities, testified before Congress on June 20 urging reform: “When the criminal justice system wrongfully sends an innocent person to...
29 March 2003
George W. Bush has attacked Iraq and put the world into a horrific vice that is the global peace movement's ultimate challenge: stopping a holy war that can only escalate into irrational and unstoppable mass slaughter.

27 March 2003
Congressman George Miller (D-CA, 7th District), a senior member on the House of Representatives Education and Workforce Committee, along with 73 of his colleagues has introduced “The Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2003” (H.R. 965). The...
27 March 2003
A few hours ago I was released from jail with the Reverend Roy Bourgeois MM and more than 60 others including several Nobel Peace Prize winners, major US religious leaders and directors of various human rights organizations. We were...
27 March 2003
Some have asked me about Fred Phelps impending visit to Granville:

1. On April 27, the hate promoting GodHatesFags website owner Fred Phelps is coming to picket in Granville at several churches. The incident which triggered...


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