
20 March 2003
Air pollution from power plants alone triggers over 35,000 asthma attacks and causes over 1,900 premature deaths in Ohio each year, threatening both public health and the environment. Incredibly, our clean air protections are under attack...
19 March 2003
In a victory for the environment, the Senate voted today to remove a provision from the 2004 budget bill opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska to oil drilling. An amendment to remove this oil drilling provision, sponsored...
19 March 2003
NEW YORK - Responding to the killing on Sunday of Rachel Corrie, a U.S. peace worker from Olympia, Washington, by the Israeli Occupation Force in the Gaza Strip, three U.S. activist groups are demanding Congress to investigate Corrie's...
19 March 2003
Back in January 1991, the peace movement pretty much folded its tents as soon as the U.S. missiles started dropping on Baghdad. Here we are in March 2003. Will it be the same?

Listen to Leslie Cagan, who's organized some...
18 March 2003
This week the House & Senate debate 2004 budget plans. They will be voting to give tax cuts to the rich or to invest in children and families - choices that will affect the nation for years to come.

17 March 2003
Congress may vote this week on a budget bill for 2004 that includes new provisions to drill for oil in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.  And late reports indicate that the U.S. Senate might be just one vote away from voting to...


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