
17 March 2003
Today a young woman was killed in Gaza. Young women, but more often young men, get killed in Gaza and the West Bank every day, and the world pays no attention. What was different today is that Rachel Corrie was an American, an activist...
17 March 2003
When the U.S. government announces the commencement of the war against Iraq, go on strike. Take your car and park in the nearest major intersection.

Block our freeways, bridges and subway entrances. Close down our cities. If ...
17 March 2003
Well I guess war is coming. George Bush made that perfectly clear last night that war with Iraq is all but certain, it will happen this week.

Bush has (in my opinion) not only undermined the UN, but will also destroy our...
15 March 2003
Amidst the agonizing crisis over Iraq, the violent contortions of the world's only military superpower have given birth to a transcendental force:  the global Superpower of Peace. 

That George W. Bush's obsession with Saddam...
14 March 2003
The Coors Lite crowd is busy frothing at the mouth and claiming they "ain't gonna drink no French wine or German beer no more!" Out of tremendous respect for the heroic efforts of the German and French governments to make the world a more...
14 March 2003
Products from the United Kingdom, Spain and Bulgaria for supporting the United States in their insane attempt to attack Iraq.


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